Error Codes

Updating SPF Record In Email Deliverabillity

Log into Cpanel Go to the Email section and select Email Deliverabllity On the Email Deliverability page select the domian your want to manage Once yo...Read More

Heartbeat Control

Description Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket allows you to manage the frequency of the WordPress heartbeat API in a few clicks. The WordPress Heartbeat ...Read More

505 : HTTP Version Not Supported

This error is caused by a client or browser attempting to use a version of the HTTP protocol that is not supported by the web server. This is a rare e...Read More

504 : Gateway Timeout

When you attempt to access a web-page, the server that your action is routed through places a time limit on that request. If a response is not provide...Read More

503 : Service Unavailable

This error is likely due to an issue on your server which will require additional assistance. Typically this can occur when your server is temporarily...Read More

503 : Service Unavailable

What is a 503 Error? A 503 error message indicates that there is an issue preventing access to the site but also lets visitors know that, although the...Read More

502 : Bad Gateway

This HTTP status code indicates that one server received an invalid response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load a webs...Read More

501 : Not Implemented

This status code indicates that the HTTP method of the request from the client is not understood or supported by the server. The methods currently def...Read More

What is a Server Error Code?

Server Error Codes begin with the number 5, such as 500 or 503 (two of the most common server side errors). These error pages indicate that an issue w...Read More

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