Error Codes

How to Run Traceroute and Ping from a Desktop

Windows To ping a domain on a Windows-based machine: From the Windows Start menu, select Run. Type cmd. Type the command ping or tracert, followed by ...Read More

408 : Request Timed Out

This error page is caused when the servers drops the connection to your client because too much time has passed between the initial connection being e...Read More

407 : Proxy Authentication Required

This error page is an issue with authentication, similar to a 401 error page. The difference is largely in how the server requires the authentication ...Read More

406 : Not Acceptable

When requesting information from the server, the browser or client also includes a specification with its request for the format in which it wants the...Read More

405 : Method Not Allowed

This error is rarely seen as it specifically indicates that the email client that is being used is attempting to access the server via a prohibited me...Read More

404 : Not Found

This response code is an error page that indicates the visitor was able to communicate with the server, but either the server could not find what was ...Read More

What is hot linking? How do I enable and disable hotlink protection?

Hot link protection prevents other websites from directly linking to files and pictures on your website. Other sites will only be able to link to file...Read More

404 Error Page

A 404 error means that a file cannot be found. If you have already uploaded the file, then either the name is misspelled or it is in the wrong folder....Read More

How to Find the Correct Spelling and Path for Your Files, Missing Images

Missing/Broken Files When you get a 404 error, check the URL in your browser. This tells you the path and file name that cannot be found. http://examp...Read More