Adding Article in Drupal 7

  1. Log into Drupal as an administrator
  2. In the top menu, click Content
  3. Find and click the Add Content link
  4. From the list of content types, click Article
  5. The rest of the steps are very similar to those of creating basic pages in Drupal 7. For example, you’ll need to enter a Title, Body, and so on. If you need more information about all of the options you have on this page (such as Menu Settings, URL path settings, etc),

There are a few new options on the Article Page, specifically:

Body (Edit Summary) By default, new articles will show up on your homepage. If you have many long articles on your homepage, it can become very long and difficult to navigate. If you instead enter a summary for this article, only the summary will show. This will end up making your homepage looking much cleaner. If users like your summary and want to read the rest of the article, they can click the Read More link under the summary.
Tags When writing articles, you can tag them with descriptive words. For example, if you ran a website about computers, you may tag articles based upon the operating system they belong to, such as Linux, Mac, or Windows. These tags will be published under your article content, and when clicked will show a listing of other articles with the same tags.
Image If you would like an image associated with this article, such as a header image, use this Image feature to upload a picture to associate with the article.

6. When you’re finished writing your new article, click Save at the bottom of the page.

New articles by default show on your homepage, so visit your Drupal 7 site’s front page to see your new article!



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