
Reset your WordPress password via email

Go to your WordPress login page ( Click on Lost you password? at the bottom Ent...

Editing your wp-config.php file in WordPress

As we will be editing the wp-config.php file using the cPanel File Manager, begin by logging into cP...

Keeping Or Deleting Email In Outlook Sync To Email Accounts

If you have already setup an email account or it’s the first time your setting up this email a...

Softaculous Installer

Softaculous is a commercial script library that automates the installation of commercial and open so...

Request-URI Too Long In WordPress

while trying to delete comments or feedback in wordpress you may get a “Request-URI Too Long&#...

To Upload A File To CPanel Manager

To upload a file through cPanel’s File Manager use the following steps: Login to cPanel and op...

Installing Plugins in WordPress

These steps will show you how to install plugin’s for wordpress. Inside the wordpress dashboar...

Install a new Theme In WordPress

This article will show you how to find and install a theme for your WordPress site. When you log in ...