Install Drupal 7

Database and User

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Go to MySQL Database Wizard and click on the icon.
  3. Type in the database name and click next step.
  4. Fill in the username and password for the database user and then click the Create User button.
  5. From the privileges assignment page, select “ALL PRIVILEGES” and click “Make Changes”.
  6. Write down the database name, database user, and password you created as you will need those details later in the initial site configuration.

Downloading and Uploading Files via FTP

  1. Go to and click on the link to download the latest version.
  2. Select the version you want to download and click on the “zip” format.
  3. Extract the files from the zip file you just downloaded with program like win-rar or MS windows extractor.
  4. Using a FTP program like FileZilla, upload the contents of the folder that was just created. Do not upload the /Drupal7.12/Drupal7.12/ folders. You only want to upload the contents of the folders to your destination. If you are uploading to the root of your main domain, you would place it in the ‘public_html’ folder. If you are looking to add it to a subfolder or addon domain, then  it would be under that specific folder name, such as ‘public_html/subfolder‘.

Initial Configuration

  1. goto
  2. Choose the Standard installation and click Save and Continue
  3. Select English for the language and click Save and Continue
  4. Enter in your Database name, Database username, and Database password (these are the details you wrote down from part 1) and click Save and Continue
  5. Fill in the Site configuration settings
    Site Name This is the site’s name. You can change it to whatever you like.
    Site Email Address This is the email account all emails from your Drupal site will be sent from.
    Username This is the administrator account’s user name.
    Password This is the password for the administrator account.
    Confirm Password Re-enter the password here for confirmation.
    Default Country Select your default country.
    Default Time Zone Select the time zone you want the site to use.
    Update Notifications These settings are used to check for updates and send email verifications
  6. Click Save and Continue
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