- Open the Mac Mail application.
- From the File menu, choose Add Account. First time users will be automatically prompted to create an account.
- In the appropriate fields, provide your full name, email address to be used and the password.
- If enabled, deselect Automatically Setup Account in order to manually configure the email account, and then click Continue.
- If you wish to have the account automatically configured, simply leave the option selected and follow the prompts provided by the Mail Setup Assistant.
- Choose the proper account type.
- Provide a description for the email account describing what that email account is for.
- Enter your incoming mail server, user name and password, and then click Continue.
- If prompted, enter the settings for Mail Incoming Security.
- Add a description for the outgoing mail server explaining what that email account is for.
- Provide the outgoing mail server information.
- If necessary, select Use Authentication and provide the email user name and password.
- If prompted, provide the settings for outgoing mail security, and then click Continue. You will then be able to verify their settings in the Account Summary.
- Check Take Account Online.
- Click the Create button to complete the process.
After completing these steps, users should be able to send and receive email via the newly created account.
For further assistance with the Mail Setup Assistant, please refer to the following link: