
421 : Too Many Connections

The maximum number of connections from one IP is 8, if you encounter a 421 error, this means that yo...

How to Control FTP Sessions

Our Shared and plans  allow up to 8 simultaneous FTP connections from 1 IP. If you exceed this amoun...

415 : Unsupported Media Type

When a client uses an HTTP data stream to transfer a URL resource to the server, it may need to spec...

414 : Request URI Too Long

A 414 error page requires both that you use a URL that is formed in a way that successfully reaches ...

413 : Request Entity Too Long

When the HTTP data stream sent by the client to the server is too large, the server will generate th...

412 : Precondition Failed

An HTTP client using an HTTP data stream to send data to the server is able to include specification...

411 : Content Length Required

When using HTTP methods that involve placing data on a server, such as PUT or POST, the server may r...

410 : Gone

Sometimes a server can provide a 410 error page instead of a 404 error. These error pages are fundam...